The Madeline Assisted Living


The Madeline Assisted Living

Independent Living

Assisted Living

All inclusive

Independent Living

Our Independent Living Program provides residents with the ability to enjoy a relaxing and carefree lifestyle, without any of the worry. 

Residents have the option of choosing the pace that is most comfortable for them. Experience the luxury of living a full life, without many of the mundane chores that accompany running a household. This program includes all housekeeping duties, laundry services, meal preparation, and all utilities. Your health, comfort and dignity are fundamental. We welcome couples to live together in our home, come and go as you please, or simply just relax. 

Your life can be the same at The Madeline – Independence with a helping hand.

Assisted Living

We understand that cognitive decline occurs differently from one person to the next. That is why our care-giving approach is tailored to support each unique resident’s current stage of life. This ensures their continued dignity, comfort, and peace of mind. 
The Madeline is committed to providing the best care for each resident. We work directly with our resident’s personal physician to develop a plan that is unique to them. The Madeline is committed to providing the best care for each resident. We work directly with our resident’s personal physician to develop a plan that is unique. Our Assisted Living Program includes all services mentioned in our Independent Program, with a special focus on residents who require assistance with mild physical challenges, mild to moderate cognitive decline, medication management, and all activities of daily living.

All Inclusive

All inclusive means: 24/7 Care, Medication Assistance, Monthly Physician Visits, All Daily Meals , Cable/Phone/Internet, Laundry, Cleaning, Activities, Hair & Nail Care, Care Plans

With all of our Care Programs, including standard or personalized options, a Registered Nurse is on-call at all times. The Madeline’s Registered Nurse is available to carry out assessments, review medications, and work in partnership with your current physician or care provider.  The Madeline prepares a personalized care plan for each resident and completes monthly evaluations. This information is maintained in a private file for each resident. The care plan and  evaluations may be viewed by family members with the resident’s consent. 

Contact The Madeline